Sunday, 6 November 2011

Week 6: Reflections.

This week we had so many interesting issues to think of. We are surely going to improve a lot in our teaching. There will be quality teaching. Of course, the necessary basic technologies should be available. Again days were flying with scripts to correct and deadlines to be met. 

I read about large classes and must say that it has given me new ways to seeing things. By using technology in large classes will solve the problem of indiscipline as everyone will be focused on their computers of learning more interesting and new things. Engaging students is really important in the teaching and learning process. The question is how to keep them focused. If they are not engaged they will not take the subject seriously and will also lose interest in the subject. Through the articles, I came across various ways of engaging my students and am really excited and impatient to implement them in class. 

Power points are really effective tool in the teaching and learning process. I would like to mention that in our college, our Rector always does his assembly by using powerpoints. Even staff meetings are done through powerpoints. Students are very keen to attend the assembly in the morning. Interactive powerpoints are really useful in the sense that students are more engaged in what is being shown to them. They would like to see the whole of it. I tried to create an interactive powwerpoint but was really simple as compared to others. I tried my best to include effects, pictures and hyperlink. I really like using powerpoints but could never make such interactive ones as my colleagues have done; surely, will do more of them in the future. 

I would have loved to have my students so as to implement my project plan. As I already mentioned the problem of speaking in my class, I am planning to use more of videos and also tape recorders. Powerpoints also will be effective as learners will situate themselves and will be engaged till the end of the lesson. When I read the articles on engaging students and large classes, I could picture my own students. I think if I try to engage my students nmore, his would be an advantage in making them improve their speaking skills. 

I am sure next week we are going to learn more interesting and more change can be done in the teaching and learning process.



  1. Hello Shavila,

    I'd like to say that our "problems" are similar in a way. You want your learners to speak in class and I want mine to speak outside the class. But I think one could complement the other. Indeed, improving their speaking skills in class will make them more confident to speak outside the class.

    Good luck with your project!


  2. Hi Shavila,
    Yes, we have leaned much of ways for good teaching. It can best be expressed by 'quality teaching' as you said.

    Like you, I found this week's material very helpful to me. They gave many insights into managing large classes. Keeping the students focused is really a challenge to teachers using the traditional ways, but with technology-based teaching, I think it will be much more easier to teachers to have their students focused.

    My own experience with the PPT presentation tells that its usefulness does not only come from its interactivity but also from its practicability, i.e. a teacher can use it when the Internet interactive alternatives breakdown. Videos and tapes you are now planning to use could be showed by PPT too.

